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Dear Customers,
We carry out shipments by carriers. Materials are always sent on pallets. The cost of delivery depends on the weight and dimensions of the pallet. Pallets as packaking are added to the cost of the parcel.
Each shipment is insured. In case of damage during transport, please write down a damage report with the carrier. In this case, we will arrange the next shipment immediately.
Sample prices for 1 EUR-pallet (120x80cm) 1000 kg:
Czech Republic - 370 EUR
Germany - 140 EUR
Slovakia - 170 EUR
Lithuania - 100 EUR
Delivery time:
The total duration of the order (including delivery) depends of the distance and stock availability, but it will not exceed 20 working days
Our carriers are:
- Raben Logistics Courier - the time of delivery: about 5 working days (if the goods are on stock, otherwise it will not exceed 20 working days)